You must have heard about 'Adverb' in Grammar, but many people do not have complete knowledge about 'Adverb'. In this article we have completely covered about Adverb, it will help you understand better what is an adverb, its definition, examples, types and meaning.
Adverb is a word that add more information about place, time, manner, cause, number, affirmation to a verb and adjective. It makes a sentences more meaningful and modify a verb. In other way adverb also tell us how, when, and where something happened.
Observe the following sentences
- He ran fast.
Modifies the verb, ran.
- These are very sweet pineapples.
Modifies the adjective, sweet.
- She speaks very loudly.
Modifies the adverb, loudly.
Adverb Definition and Example
Adverb Definition : An adverb qualifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
An adverb could be defined as a word that is used to describe or add more information about the place, time, manner, number or degree or cause to a verb.
In addition to adverb, verb, adjectives and another adverb, it also serves to describe preposition, conjunction, noun, pronoun and sentences.
Take a look some Examples
1. He walks slowly
V Adv.
2. You run fast.
V Adv
Here 'slowly' and 'fast' are adverb which tells the speciality of verb - walks and slowly. By using adverb 'slowly' and 'fast' it becomes more informational and meaningful.
1. I write very carefully.
2. The horse runs very slowly
In above sentences, 'very' is telling the speciality of Adverb - carefully and fast. It means very is an adverb. Here adverb modify the meaning of another adverb. By using adverb 'very' it becomes more informational and meaningful.
Types of Adverbs
According to their meanings, adverbs may be divided into seven following classes further.
1. Adverbs of Place
2. Adverbs of Degree or Quantity
3. Adverbs of Frequency
4. Adverbs of Time
5. Adverbs of Reason
6. Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation
7. Adverbs of Manner
1. Adverbs of Place
These are the adverbs which tells us where an action takes place.
Such as :- here, there, up, within, in, out, away.down, everywhere, somewhere, nowhere, anywhere, without, above, below, far, near, backward, inside, outside, outdoors, indoors,...etc.
Example : (i) The police follow criminal everywhere.
(ii) My sister left her bag here.
(iii) He was sitting here.
(iv) Mr. Thakur lived there.
(v) Hope looks above, doubt looks below.
(vi) The horse galloped away.
2. Adverbs of Quantity or Degree.
These are the adverbs which tell us how much or in what degree or to what extent.
Too, very, quite, enough, rather, fairly, entirely, altogether, almost, partly, nearly, fully,, so, well, wholly, partially, far. ...etc
Example : (i)These mangoes are almost ripe.
(ii) He is enough help the wounded person.
(iii) He was too careless.
(iv) She was very tired.
(v) He is quite wrong.
(vi) He is rather busy.
3. Adverb of frequency/Number
These are the adverbs which tell us how often an action takes place.
once, twice, thrice, again, seldom, always, never, often, scarcely, hardly, frequently, firstly, secondly, thirdly.....etc.
Example : (i) He seldom Makes mistake.
(ii) I have called you twice but I got no response.
(iii) He has not seen her once.
(iv) The post man called again.
(v) We always try to do our best.
(vi) Every person often makes mistakes.
4. Adverbs of time
These are the adverbs which tell us when an action take place.
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, last night, last day, last week, last month, last year, next day, next week, next month, next year, late, lately, now, just now, just, ago, daily, already, early, soon, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, at present, presently, shortly, recently, immediately, instantly, before, since ....etc.
Example : (i) I will go Delhi next year.
(ii) Roshan comes here daily.
(iii) He saw me yesterday.
(iv) I have seen her before.
(v) She comes here daily.
(vi) Vinay arrived late.
5. Adverbs of reason
These are the adverbs which tell us why an action takes place.
Hence, therefore, consequently.
Example: (i) Meenu therefore left school.
(ii) I am hence unable to do it.
(iii) She was therefore fined.
(iv) Rambabu Thakur was hence unable to refute the charge.
(v) Consisquently She was sent to New York.
(vi) I therefore left school.
6. Adverbs of affirmation and negation.
These are the adverbs which tell us whether and action is done or not.
Not, surely, certainly, indeed, by no means, not at all, yes, no , probably etc.
Examples : (i) The player certainly hit the ball good way.
(ii) Banu did not see her in the recess.
(iii) She did not come after all.
(iv) I do not know her.
(v) Surely he is right.
(vi) She is certainly alive.
7. Adverbs of manner
These are the adverbs which tell us how connection take place or in what manner.
The Adverb which tells us the method of an action is known as 'Adverb of manner.
Fast, hard, slowly, bravely, foolishly, wisely, loudly, soundly, badly, carefully, fluently, beautifully, clearly, lovingly, faithfully, seriously, so, agreeably, certainly, well, doubtfully, firm, conveniently, ....etc.
Example : (i) The soldiers fought bravely.
(ii) The thief came down slowly.
(iii) The horse run fast.
(iv) Adity acted wisely.
(v) This book is well written.
(vi) You should not do so.
Kinds of Adverb
According to their uses, adverbs are divided into three classes.
Simple Adverbs : These adverbs modify the meaning of a verb and adjective or an adverb.
Example : (i) My teacher quite right over her statement.
(ii) The customer can hardly believe it.
Interrogative Adverbs : These adverbs are used for asking questions.
Example : (i) What have eaten in this canteen ?
(ii) Why did she scold you ?
Relative Adverbs :These adverbs are the same in form as interrogative adverbs, but instead of asking question, they join two sentences together.
These adverbs relate to some antecedent, expressed or understood.
Example : (i) Let me know the time when you will come.
(The antecedent expressed)
(ii) Let me know when you will come.
(The antecedent expressed)
(iii) I remember the house where I was born.
Various Adverbs in English Language
Late and Lately
Late means 'near the end of a period of time' and lately means 'recently'
Example : (i) My friend married in his late twenties.
(ii) Indian Hockey Team had lately returned from south Africa tour.
Still and Yet
Still is usually used in affirmative sentences and yet in negative sentences.
Example : (i) Vipul has not still returned the money. (Incorrect)
(ii) Vipul has not yet returned the money. (Correct)
Hard and Hardly
Hard means 'difficult' or 'solid'. It is used as an adjective as well as an adverb.
Hardly means 'almost not' and it is used as an adverb.
Example : (i) It is hard to believe that my friend Mohit got selected in Indian Army.
(ii) There is hardly any milk left.
Ago is always used in past indefinite tense.
Example : (i) Manish met his near and dear a year ago.
(ii) Can you guess ? What had happened a week ago ? (Incorrect)
(ii) Can you guess ? What happened a week ago ? (Correct)
Much and Very
1. Very is used with positive degree and much is used with comparative degree.
Example : (i) It is very hot today.
(ii) It is much hotter today than yesterday.
2. Very is used with present participle and much is used with past participle.
Example : (i) It is very surprising for me.
(ii) I was much surprising at hearing the news.
Fairly and Rather
1. Fairly is used with positive degree while rather is used with both positive degree and comparative degree.
2. Fairly is used with pleasant objectives while rather is usually used with on pleasant adjective.
Example : (i) She is fairly wise
(ii) All these assignment are rather difficult.
(iii) But rather good rather clever rather pretty are used.
1. Enough is used just after the word that it qualified.
2. Always use positive degree of adjective adverb before enough.
Example : (i) The patience is now strong enough to leave his bed.
(ii) Her mother wise is enough wise to allow her son to go. (Incorrect)
(iii) Her mother is wise enough to allow her son to go. (Correct)
Too much and much Too
After too much a noun is used.
Example : (i) His rude behaviour gives me much too pain.
(ii) His rude behaviour gives me too much pain.
Two and Very
1. Two means more than required and it is usually used before unpleasant adjectives.
2. Very means in a great degree and it is used before pleasant/unpleasant adjective.
Else should always be followed by but and never by then.
Example : (i) It is nothing else but a diligent work for me.
How to use adverb in a sentence.
Always, often, seldom, never, just, ever, usually, hardly, already, nearly etc are used before the main verb.
Example : (i) The teacher has told often him to write neatly. (Incorrect)
(ii) The teacher has often told him to write neatly. (Correct)
(iii) He never talks ill of his friends.
(iv) Meenu reached at the station late.
Adverb of Time/ place / manner are generally placed after the verb or after the object if there is one.
Example : (i) One should do one's work carefully.
(ii) I looked the book and pen, everywhere.
(iii) I met my old friend yesterday.
Note : Adverb of manner is used before the object it a clause starting with who/which/that/ is used after the object.
Example : (i) She received warmly all those who had come in time.
'Inverted form of verb' is used in the sentences starting with seldom, never, hardly, searcely, rarely, no sooner.
Example : (i) No sooner had he entered the class than the bell rang.
Seldom she meets her friends. (Incorrect)
Seldom does she meet her friends. (Correct)
If adverbs of time/place/manner all are to be used in a sentence, the normal order is - adverb of manner , adverb of place, adverb of time.
Example : (i) The participant danced in the city hall well last night. (Incorrect)
(ii) The participant dance well in the city hall last night. (Correct)
Note : With come/ go / arrive etc adverb of manner is used after adverb of place.
Preposition is not used before an adverb.
Example : (i) My elder brother asked me to go to market with quickly. (Incorrect)
(ii) My elder brother asked me to go to market quickly. (Correct)
No adverb is used before quite.
Example : (i) Raman is absolutely quite alone. (Incorrect)
Raman is quite alone. (Correct)
The adverbs of frequency and quantity should be placed before the auxiliaries have to and used to.
Example : (i) He used to often take a break from packed schedule. (Incorrect)
He used to often take a break from packed schedule. (Correct)
Adverb of quantity are usually used before the word that they qualify.
Example : (i) The party is too qualify.
(ii) This movie quite cool.
Note : But enough is always placed after the word which qualifies.
Only should be placed immediately before the word it qualifies.
Example : (i) My uncle worked only four sums.
(ii) Many children played only two hours.
An adverb is not used by splitting an infinitive.
Example : Raman asked him to carefully write the notice. (Incorrect)
Raman asked him to write the notice carefully. (Correct)
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