
Demonstrative Pronoun in Hindi with Example and Meaning

इस आर्टिकल में हम Demonstrative Pronoun in Hindi के बारे में विस्तार रूप से जानेंगे। Pronoun के कई भाग होते हैं जिसमे से एक Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम) भी है। साथ ही इसके Rules और Example भी समझेंगे, तथा लेख में हम Pronoun के कितने भाग होते हैं इसके बारे में भी जानेंगे।

Demonstrative Pronoun in Hindi

संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम की परिभाषा - वह सर्वनाम जिसका प्रयोग किसी वस्तु, जानवर या किसी व्यक्ति को प्रदर्शित तथा परिचय देने के लिए किया जाता है उसे Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम) कहते हैं। 

वे Pronoun जो किसी व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं को point out or demonstrate (संकेत या प्रदर्शित) करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं Demonstrative Pronoun ( संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम) कहलाते हैं। 

जैसे - This, that, these, those, such, the same

Demonstrative Pronoun Examples in Hindi

1. This is my house - यह मेरा घर है। 

2. That is my house - वह मेरा घर है। 

3. These are my books - ये मेरी किताबें है। 

4. Those are my books - वो मेरी किताबें हैं। 

5. Such were her very words - ऐसे ही उसके शब्द थे।  

6. This is better than that - यह उससे अच्छा है। 

7. This is the best School of Lucknow - यह लखनऊ का सबसे अच्छा स्कूल है। 

8. These kinds of books are authentic - इस प्रकार की पुस्तके प्रामाणिक होती है। 

Difference Between Demonstrative Pronoun and Demonstrative Adjective in Hindi

Demonstrative Pronoun

1. Demonstrative Pronoun का प्रयोग noun के लिए होता है अर्थात इनका प्रयोग noun के पहले नहीं होता है। जैसे -

(i) This is a gift from her.

(ii) That is just what he wants.

(iii) These are merely excuses.

(iv) Those are very words.

(v) He is the same as he ever was.

(vi) Such were his words.

2. Demonstrative Adjective

1. Demonstrative Adjective का प्रयोग noun के पहले होता है। जैसे -

(i) Give this gift to that fellow.

(ii) Those men were not present in that place.

(iii) These flower are mine ; Those flower are your.

(iv) This cycle is better than that (cycle).

(v) He is the same man that I saw an hour ago.

(vi) Such men are dangerous.

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This और These के प्रयोग 

Rule 1. This का प्रयोग समीप के किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए होता है, जबकि These का प्रयोग समीप की एक से अधिक व्यक्ति के लिए होता है। जैसे -

This is the cat.   (Singular)

These are cats.  (Plural)

This is a pen.   (Singular)

These are pens.   (Plural)

That और Those का प्रयोग 

Rule 2. That का प्रयोग किसी दूर के एक व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए होता है, जबकि those का प्रयोग दूर की एक से अधिक वस्तु के लिए होता है। जैसे -

That is a book.    (Singular)

Those are books.   (Plurals)

That is s car.   (Singular)

Those are cars.  (Plural)

Rule 3. यदि दो singular noun 'and' से जुड़कर किसी or clause में प्रयुक्त हों तो last singular noun के लिए this तथा first singular noun के लिए that का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे -

(i) Work and play are both necessary to health ; This (= play) exercise the body, and that (= work) exercise the brain.

(ii) Virtue and vice offer themselves for your choice ; this (= vice) leads to misery, that (= virtue) leads to happiness.

Rule 4. यदि दो Plural nouns 'and' से जुड़कर किसी sentence or clause में प्रयुक्त हो तो last plural noun के लिए these तथा first plural noun के लिए those का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे -

Cows and horses are both useful animal ; these (= horses) carry us from one place to another, and those (= cows) give us milk.

Rule 5. यदि एक सामान वर्ग (same class) के दो nouns की तुलना हो तो singular noun के लिए that of तथा plural noun के लिए those of का प्रयोग होता है। 

दूसरे शब्दों में - Singular noun के repetition को रोकने के लिए that of तथा plural noun के repetition को रोकने के लिए those of का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे - 

(i) The climate of Pune is better than that (= climate) of Mumbai.

(ii) The streets of Delhi are wider than those (= streets) of Mumbai.

(iii) Ours soldiers were better drilled than those (= soldiers) of enemies.

(iv) The rivers of America are larger than those (= river) of Europe.

Rule 6. Such का प्रयोग demonstrative pronoun के रूप में singular और plural दोनों ही sense (अर्थ) में होता है। जैसे -

(i) He is the house owner and as such he has the right to maintain the house. (Such = the house owner)

(ii) Criminals are restricted such by law. (such = criminals)

Note : Such का प्रयोग noun के पहले होता है तो वह demonstrative adjective  कहलाता है। जैसे - 

Nobody can forgive you for such a mistake.

Rule 7. The same का प्रयोग सामान्यतः demonstrative Adjective के रूप में होता है। इसका प्रयोग demonstrative pronoun के रूप में सामान्यतः नहीं होता है। जैसे - 

This is the same  book that I bought yesterday. 

          Dem. adj    N

Note : (i) The same के बदले जरुरत के मुताबिक pronouns - This, it, they का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे - 

I gave him a pen and the same was returned to me. (✖)  


I gave him a pen and it was returned to me.  ()

(ii) The same का प्रयोग pronoun के रूप में law and business के रूप में हो रहा है। लेकिन अन्य छेत्रो में ऐसा प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे -

We thank you for your letter and in reply to the same.

ध्यान दें - the same का अर्थ letter से है। 

(iii) sort of / kind of  के पहले this / that तथा sorts of / kinds of के पहले these / those का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे - 

(i) This kind of pain is costly.               ()

(ii) These kind of pen is costly.             (✖)

(iii) That sorts of man is hateful.          ()

(iv) Those sorts of man hateful.           (✖)

(v) These kinds of books are authentic. ()

(vi) This kinds of books are authentic.  (✖)

(vii) Those sorts of people are laborious.  ()

(viii) That sorts of people are laborious.    (✖)

Kinds of Pronoun in Hindi - सर्वनाम के प्रकार

Kinds of Pronoun in Hindi

1. Personal Pronouns (पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम)

2. Possessive Pronouns (अधिकार वाचक सर्वनाम)

3. Demonstrative Pronouns (संकेत वाचक सर्वनाम)

4. Distributive Pronouns (व्यष्टि वाचक सर्वनाम)

5. Reciprocal Pronouns (पारस्परिक सर्वनाम)

6. Reflexive Pronouns (निज वाचक सर्वनाम)

7. Emphatic Pronouns (दृढ़तासूचक सर्वनाम)

8. Indefinite Pronouns  (अनिश्चय वाचक सर्वनाम)

9. Relative Pronouns (सम्बन्ध वाचक सर्वनाम)

10. Interrogative Pronouns (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम)

11. Exclamatory Pronouns (विस्मयादिबोधक सर्वनाम)

               Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with suitable demonstrative pronouns.

(this, that, these, those, such, the same) :

1. This is a gift from my uncle.

2. Both books are good, but this is better than that.

3. The window of this room are larger than those of the office.

4. He is a fool, and as such must be pitied.

5. Give this book to that classmate.

6. There is no period in ancient Indians history so glorious that of the Guptas.

7. This kind of pen is not costly.

8. This scooter is better than that.

9. These books are mine those books are yours.

10. He is the same boy that I saw two hour ago.

11. The climate of the Puri is better than that of Patna. 

12. The people of Bihar are more laborious than those of Mumbai.

13. The price of this book is as much as that of that book.

14. This is not such a treatment as I expected.

15. The more you read this book, the more you will like it. 

             Exercise 2

Correct the following sentence.

1. He plans to complete these work hurriedly.

2. He is working hard with a view to winning the same match.

3. The roads of Delhi are wider than Allahabad.

4. The climate of Ranchi is better than Gaya ?

5. Will you be at home these Sunday afternoon ?

6. Your exams are these month.

7. These is my second visit to the U.K.

8. These is not such a good look as I expected.

9. How will this children be healthy ?

10. What are this ?


1. He plans to complete this work hurriedly.

2 He is working hard with a view to winning this match.

3. The roads of Delhi are wider than those of Allahabad.

4. The climate of Ranchi is better than that of Gaya.

5. Will you be at home this Sunday afternoon ?

6. Your exams are this month.

7. This is my second visit to the U.K.

8. This is not such a good look as I expected.

9. How will these children be healthy ?

10. What are these ? or what is this ?

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